Multi Vitamins/Use of Multi Vitamins/ Benefits and Side Effects of Multi Vitamins
What is Vitamins?
What is Mineral
What is Multi Vitamins?
How can I use it?
Why should I use it?
Is there any side effect of using multi vitamins?
What are beneficial aspects of Multi Vitamins?
In which conditions use of multivitamins recommended?
Which one is best Multi vitamin product?
What is alternative to multi vitamin Medicines?
Age range for Multi vitamin use?
Normal dose of multivitamins?
Do Multi Vitamins Cause weight gain?
Normally the
food we eat provide us with essential vitamins, minerals and other essential
To understand all questions
about multi vitamins lets first discuss vitamins briefly.
These are organic compounds which is required in minute amount
by body to perform important and specific functions at cellular level. Most of
cellular reaction needs vitamins to occur, without these specific vitamins the
specific task is impaired.
Classification Of Vitamins:
1. Fat Soluble Vitamins
2. Water Soluble Vitamins
Fat Soluble Vitamins:
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
Soluble Vitamins:
- Ascorbic Acid
- Thiamine (B1)
- Riboflavin(B2)
- Niacin(B3)
- Biotin
- Pantothenic acid
- Folic acid
- cyanocobalamine (B12)
- Pyridoxine(B6)
- Pyridoxal
- Pridoxamine
Role of
Each Vitamin:
There is no need to understand metabolic role, it is very
- Vitamin A : Play Important Role in vision, Reproduction, Growth, maintainance of epithelial tissues and synthesis of glucocorticoids in body.
- Vitamin D : Increase uptake of Calcium by kidney and decrease its loss from body and also stimulate bone resorption. Essential for bones growth.
- Vitamin E: It protect a person from different heart diseases.
- Vitamin K: Regulates many cellular reactions including carboxylation.
- Ascorbic Acid : acts as an anti oxidant, promote many cellular reactions because acts a co enzyme.
- Thiamine (B1): component of nervous system, maintain its normal growth.
- Riboflavin(B2) : Having metabolic role.
- Niacin(B3) : Metabolic role.
- Biotin : metabolic role.
- Pantothenic acid: also metabolic role.
- Folic acid : Important metabolic role
- cyanocobalamine (B12): Similiar metabolic role as folic acid
- Pyridoxine(B6): Metabolic role
- Pyridoxal : Metaboic role
- Pridoxamine : Metabolic
Following Conditions may occur if any of Vitamin is missing or in less amount:
- Vitamin A : Night blindness, Xerophthalmia, dermatological disorders, defective dentine, keratomalacia ,genitourinary disorders.
- Vitamin D : Rickets and Osteomalacia.
- Vitamin E : Affect muscles and may cause hemolytic anemia.
- Vitamin K: blood clotting disorders.
- Ascorbic Acid : Scurvy
- Thiamine (B1) : Slow Heart beat, Berri Berri, Wernick Korsakoff syndrome.
- Riboflavin(B2) : dermatits, anemia, inflammatory disease and decrease visual accuracfy.
- Niacin(B3) : Pellagra.
- Biotin : Nausea and dermatitis.
- Pantothenic acid:
- Folic acid : Megaloblastic anemia and Neural tube defects.
- cyanocobalamine (B12) : Megaloblastic anemia and other neurological disorders.
- Pyridoxine(B6) : Digestive disorders
- Pyridoxal : minor defects.
- Pridoxamine : minor defects.
Sources Of Vitamins:
body can synthesis only
Vitamin D
Vitamin K
And some
B complex vitamins
All other
vitamins must be supplied in the diet.
- Vitamin A : Liver, cream, kidneys, egg yolk, fish e.g. halibut, colostrum, carotenes (plant source)
- Vitamin D : produce by human body and also can be supplied by diet. Fish liver oil and milk.
- Vitamin E : Liver, Fish, meat, milk, butter, wheat, green leafy vegetables and peanut oil.
- Vitamin K : spinach, egg
yolk, liver and cabbage. Also bacterial flora in intestine produce Vitamin
- Ascorbic Acid : potatos, citrus fruits, tomatos and green vegetables.
- Thiamine (B1) : Whole grains and legumes. Also in rice.
- Riboflavin(B2): eggs, milk, liver, green leafy vegetables.
- Niacin(B3): grains and cereals, milk and meat esp. Liver.
- Biotin : milk, egg yollk and meat esp. Liver.
- Pantothenic acid: eggs and liver.
- Folic acid : green leafy vegetables, whole grains cereals, liver and meat.
- cyanocobalamine (B12): meat, liver, chickens oysters and milk.
- Pyridoxine (B6) : corn, egg yolk, meat esp. Muscles meat, and wheat are good sources.
- Pyridoxal : corn, egg yolk, meat esp. Muscles meat, and wheat are good sources.
- Pridoxamine : corn, egg
yolk, meat esp. Muscles meat, and wheat are good sources.
In general these are medicine which are rich in Vitamins and minerals most
important vitamins and mineral which a multivitamin medicine must have are
Vit C
Vit B1
Vit B2
Vit B3
Vit B5
Vit B6
Vit B9
folic acid
Vit B12
Vit C
Vit D2
and D3
Vit K
Vit A
Vit E
If person
is deficient in any of the mentioned Vitamins and Minerals due to low quality
nutrition he/she must take Multivitamins supplements in order to prevent
development of any of the mentioned conditions. People with poor diet may take
advantages of Multi Vitamin supplements.
Forms Of
Multi Vitamins:
Multi Vitamins may be in the form
Side Effects Of Multi Vitamin:
There are some vitamins which
may store in body and having chance of Toxicity of taken in more quantity for
longer period. the side effects may from people to people.
If taken in more quantity than required quantity the
following conditions may occur.
Tooth Staining
Increase Urination
Bleeding of Stomach
Weakness of muscles
Fluctuated Heart Rate
Preventive Measures:
- · Take Multivitamins in prescribed dose.
- · Consult with your physician before starting multi vitamin supplement.
- · Do not use Multi vitamins frequently more than three to four months.
- · Use branded product after consult with doctor, do not use local products of Multi vitamins.
- · Drink plenty of water.
- · Do some sort of physical exercises
- · If you are using other medication also then consult with your physician regarding use of Multi vitamins.
As vitamins and minerals
are required by body for different body functions if your nutrition doesn’t
meet the prescribed quantity of these elements because of poor quality you must
take Multivitamin supplement for normal body functioning although there may be
some sort of side effects if used in improper way and improper quantity all you
need is to consult with your physician accordingly.
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Dr. Basit Ali
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