Hepatitis C signs and aymptoms
Hepatitis C Signs and Symptoms Hepatitis C symptoms and signs don't appear in everyone who has been infected with the hepatitis C virus. In fact, four out of every five people who have hepatitis C don't know they've been infected with a potentially serious liver disease. Those who do experience hepatitis C symptoms and signs will find they range from slight to severe. Hepatitis C symptoms Fatigue is the most common chronic hepatitis C symptom. But those who have hepatitis C may also experience any of the following signs and symptoms. * abdominal pain * stools will look different, often characterized by a clay color * urine will also look different, becoming darker and even coffee-colored * the patient is likely to experience an unusual amount of itching * the patient will have unusual headaches * jaundice, which makes the skin and whites of the eyes look yellow * individuals with hepatitis C sometimes experience a loss of appetite * muscle aches * some of th...